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"I don't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member." - Groucho Marx


Are you tired of being told "you can't do that", or "no rapid fire", or "that just isn't how we do things here"? Well, welcome to the club! We are the range that does things the way they should be done.


We screen our potential members carefully, and our goal is to have a membership that is focused on serious training, skill building, and competition. TSA is not for casual shooters. Casual shooters can go to public ranges and shoot casually. TSA Range is for serious shooters who have proven they hold themselves to a higher standard of safety, skill, and professionalism. 


We plan to limit the number of TSA members so that you can train any time you want without having to wait for open bays or deal with a crowded range.


We plan to keep TSA an exclusive membership experience. Current membership rate is $65/month for an individual membership, and $90/month for a 2-person family membership.


If you would like more information about a membership at Texas Shooting Academy, or would like to come by for a tour of the range, please contact us at the email address below.


TSA is a members only range, and is NOT open to the general public. Please contact us via email to schedule a tour of the range.


300 US Hwy 183

Florence, TX 76527



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